Natural Homemade remedies for Mouth Ulcers

mouth ulcers

Mouth Ulcers are red inflammatory patches in our mouth that are caused due to the erosion of delicate tissues on the skin present inside our mouth. They can also be seen on gums and on the tongue that causes severe pain and inflammation while eating or chewing food. Though in most cases these ulcers are not a major health hazard it is advisable that you consult your physicist as they are often seen as symptoms to bigger body concerns. Though there are wide ranges of causes for having Mouth Ulcers, let’s understand how common they are across the globe.

Mouth Ulcers stats worldwide

Mouth Ulcers are very common. According to a recent survey done by major health care providers across the globe, it has been seen that an average person suffers from ulcers at least once or twice a year and are recurrent in nature. Studies claim that 1 in 10 people across the globe suffers from Mouth ulcers.

Possible causes of Mouth Ulcers

There is generally a widespread misconception among us that these ulcers are usually caused by improper oral care, this may be partially true but not in all cases. The other major causes of mouth ulcers are as follows:

  • Accidental biting of the cheek.
  • Viral infections.
  • Excessive or regular intake of antibiotics or heavy medications.
  • Consumption of chilly or spicy foods.
  • Diabetes
  • Vitamin B and C deficiency and many more…..

Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Ulcers usually take a couple of weeks to heal but with proper natural medication, one can get rid of them within a weeks’ time. So, let’s have a look at some of the homemade remedies for mouth ulcers.

  • Stress Buster

stress mouth ulcersStress is one of the main causes of mouth ulcers or mouth sores. So, one might need to get rid of stress so as to avoid and recurrence of mouth ulcers. Take a walk in your nearest park, exercise regularly, do yoga every day, get out of your virtual world (Facebook, Watsapp, etc.) and socialize yourself by making real friends. Also, avoid unnecessary medications as they might heat up your body and lead not just to ulcers but also lead to dehydration or loose motions.

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  • Vitamin C and B intake

Citrus Fruits Slice mouth ulcersIncreasing the intake of foods rich in Vitamin B and C is highly recommended as its deficiency is one of the major causes of mouth Ulcers. Usually, Vitamin C or Citric acid can be abundantly found in fruits and vegetables such as Lemons, Oranges, Strawberries, etc. Whereas Vitamin B can be usually found in Soya Beans, Bread, Egg, etc. Though, it is also advisable to increase the Zinc intake with these Vitamins which can be found in beans, whole grains, and dairy products.

  • Spicy or Chilly food Consumption

Green Chili With Fire mouth ulcersChilly food is not just bad for digestive problems but can also lead to mouth sores or mouth ulcers. Hence it is advised to avoid excessive consumption of Chilly foods as they form acids and cause inflammation inside your mouth. These acids are corrosive in nature and act as a catalyst in eroding away the delicate tissues present on the inside walls of your mouth leading to the formation of ulcers and sores.

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  • Water Intake

Fluid Pouring in Pint Glass mouth ulcersDrink at least 2-3 liters of water daily as it not just hydrates the body but also acts as a natural body coolant. Water also neutralizes the acids thus generated in the mouth and prevents the inflammation. Even physicists recommend the intake of salads such as cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes as they contain water and necessary minerals that help in cooling down the body to a great extent thus bringing down the occurrences of mouth ulcers.

  • Curd or Yogurt

Yoghurt, Yogurt, Yoghourt, Container, Cow, Dairy, FoodCurd, Yogurt or Dahi is also a great body coolant that not just helps in eradicating keeping ulcers at bay, but also helps in digestive and immunity disorders. Curd also neutralizes the acids present in our mouth and also prevents diarrhea. Take at least 8-9 spoons of curd daily during summer as it also protects from sunstroke. Curd is also good for skin problems and individuals suffering from dehydration problems.