How to Increase Metabolism Naturally?: Diet, Yoga and Workout

increase metabolism

Metabolism is one of the most complicated yet very critical processes within all living organisms. It varies from one individual to another. Decrease or Increase metabolism rates in humans can vary based on their genetics, but other factors such as age, gender, lifestyle and other everyday habits contribute to this as well. Before we dig deeper let’s try to understand what exactly it means and how one can increase metabolism in their body naturally.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the core functionality of a human body which determines the rate at which the body burns and breaks down the calories for energy. This energy is vital for better functioning of the body. In simpler words, individuals with increased metabolism rate tend to digest and burn the calories faster thus keeping excessive weight at bay, which keeps them active and energetic.

So, you might be wondering what you can do to increase metabolism in your body naturally? Well, to be honest, the answer to this question is simpler than it seems. All it takes, a few small changes in your lifestyle, and you’ll see the results within a few… weeks! So, let’s get started.

Dietary changes to increase metabolism naturally

  • Capsaicin (Chilies)

Chili, Spice, Chili PeppersThis might sound a bit absurd, but the consumption of chilies can increase metabolism while burning excess fat and calories in the body. Recent studies from Manchester Food Research Center have claimed that consuming capsaicin (a compound found abundantly in chilies) can help speed up metabolism and reduce fat while keeping your appetite on the check. That being said, eating chilies alone cannot trigger your metabolism.

  • Curd or Plain Yogurt

increase metabolism yogurtThere is no doubt that Curd or yogurt is known to be rich in protein content. But eating yogurt alone cannot increase metabolism. According to a recent study, individuals who religiously consumed curd/yogurt more than twice a day as a part of a strict calorie-restricted diet lost more than 60% of their body fat and lost 25% weight as compared to those who just had a calorie-restricted diet.

  • Regular Food consumption

increase metabolism Eating Food from PotOur body follows an internal clock and relies on the food consumed regularly. Eating at the right time helps to increase metabolism and maintain body balance. Irregular intervals of fasting or eating can slow down the rate at which the body burns fat and starts storing cellulite. The diet should be equally rich in proteins, fiber, good carbs and essential minerals (Zinc and Selenium Rich).

Also Read: 10 Healthy Breakfast Options | Made in India

  • Pulses

increase metabolism pulsesThis is a very lesser known fact but, Pulses (Popularly known as Dal in the Indian subcontinent) can also increase metabolism in your body. Since they are rich in protein, they can disintegrate the calories in the body much faster and provide energy quickly as compared to other low protein foods. Pulses are also known to contain dietary fiber which helps in better bowel movements.

  • Cold Water

increase metabolism Cold waterWater is essentials for all living organisms for survival. It is a very lesser known fact that cold water does help to increase metabolism. This is due to the fact that the body uses energy to warm the cold water you just had which leads to more calories burnt and weight loss. On the other hand, cold water also refreshes the mood and wakes up the body, without consuming coffee of caffeine.

Yoga Poses to Increase metabolism

The effectiveness of Yoga to increase metabolism is complicated since it has direct and indirect effects. Yoga helps in burning the calories and alleviating the heart rate thus helping to boost metabolism. On the other hand, yoga indirectly acts as a catalyst by keeping stress at bay and soothes the nervous system. Yoga can also trigger thyroid activity in the body and keeps any metabolic issues at bay.

  • Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) 

increase metabolism vasisthasanaVasisthasana is a great yoga asana to increase metabolism and boost body strength. It helps in strengthening your core and shoulders and develop a better overall balance of the body. This asana also helps in building your arm and wrist muscles.

Also Read: 10 Affective Yoga Poses to keep Hair fall at bay

  • Bidalasana (Cat-Cow Pose):

increase metabolism BidalasanaBidalasana is one of the most basic and easy Vinyasa yoga poses, and it can be performed by anyone and by any age group. This asana is known to trigger the thyroid gland in the body which in turn helps in maintaining the body vital levels and increases metabolism.

  • Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose):

SasangasanaSasangasana is yet another asana on this list which is known to trigger the thyroid glands in the body which in turn helps to increase metabolism and faster fat burning. Additionally, this pose calms the mind and relieves any tensions around the neck region. 

  • Meditation

increase metabolism meditationMeditation is known to relieve stress and anxiety in the body. It lowers blood pressure and improves heart rate, breathing and better blood circulation. This, in turn, helps boosts metabolism in the body and helps people suffering from Sleep disorders and mitigates jetlag.

  • Pranayama (Breathing Technique)

increase metabolism pranayamaThere are 11 different types of pranayama whose primary focus is breathing in and breathing out. Pranayama is known to improve oxygen levels in the blood and warm up the body this, in turn, increases the speed of metabolism in the body. It is also known to stimulate maintain the hormonal levels in the body which helps to increase metabolism further.

Quick Workouts/Lifestyle changes to Increase metabolism

  • Planks

planks Planks are one of the toughest exercises known to burn more calories than any other workouts like sit-ups. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and burns belly fat. This, in turn, will increase metabolism even when a person is at rest.

Also Read: 7 Yoga Poses to Lose Belly fat effectively

  • Try to stand/Walk more

standingFor those individuals tired of having a desk job, tried working on your feet? Did you know that a person standing tends to burn more calories than the person sitting? The difference in their calories burnt is more than 90 calories. Needless to say, walking burns more calories than standing and the calories burnt are more than twice. Hence it is always advised to stand more often or take a walk to increase metabolism.

  • Squats

squats increase metabolismA squat is a strength exercise and helps you build stronger hip muscles, hamstrings and calves. It helps you build muscles especially in the lower half of the body thus bossing the overall metabolism in the body. Physicians usually recommend 10-15 squats a day and over 3-4 times a week.

  • High-Intensity workouts

High-intensity workouts are a group of high-intensity intermittent exercises. These workouts are shorter in the period but increase the heart rate over a short period thus increasing the blood flow and overall oxygen levels in the body. These workouts ignite the body like a furnace and increase metabolism in the body by 2 folds.

  • Weight lifts

Weightlifting increase metabolismBuilding your muscle mass is one the best ways to increase metabolism in the body and anybody can tell you that the best way to build muscle is through weightlifting. According to physicians, every pound of muscle burns roughly six calories per day at rest. Interesting fact, a person on an average burn 100+ calories every 30 minutes lifting weights.

Pros and Cons of High Metabolism (Hypermetabolism)

Higher metabolism dictates the way your body functions, like faster digestion, better muscle growth and quicker calorie burns. But, having a high metabolism is not always a good sign. Having a very high metabolism leads to hypermetabolism, which is an increased rate of metabolic activity characterized by an anomalous increase in the body’s basal metabolic rate.

Very high metabolism rates lead to: Unable to build Muscle, increased sweating, Insomnia, Insulin resistance, continued weightloss and Anemia to name a few…