10 Best Yoga Poses to get rid of Migraine

migraine yoga

Migraine is an Acute/Chronic neurological disorder in which the patient suffers from a pulsating severe headache either on the sides of the head or in the front. Also in some cases, the patients suffer from nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity towards light and sound. According to the recent surveys conducted by NHS.uk women have been seen more prone to migraine as compared to that of men. It has been found that the case of migraine was seen in the ratio of 1:5 in women while the ratio in men’s case was 1:15.

Symptoms of Migraine

Usually, migraines are self examinable, i.e. it can be figured out at the patient’s side itself. There are 4 phases of a migraine attack:

  1. The Prodrome: In this phase, the patient suffers from mood swings, irritations, stress eating, etc. just hours or days before migraine occurrence.
  2. The Aura: This phase occurs usually after or during the migraine. During this phase, the individual suffers from hallucinations and light/sound sensitivities.
  3. The Pain phase: This is one of the most crucial phases as the headache occurs in this pain phase.
  4. The Postdrome phase: In this phase, the patient suffers from nausea, tiredness, and depression.

Migraines are curable either through medications or by natural therapies such as Yoga. Medications are usually not recommended as they bring possible side effects with them. Yoga asana is usually preferred as they don’t have any significant side effects and their effects on migraines are long-lasting. So, here are some of the Asanas that will help you in getting rid of migraines.

Yoga poses to get rid of Migraine

The following list of few Yoga asanas might prove to be beneficial as they help in reducing migraine or headaches to a great extent and are especially meant for such neurological disorders.

Pranayamas for Migraines

  1. Anulom-Vilom Pranayama


It is one of the most effective pranayamas (breathing exercises) that not only helps in reducing the migraine issues but also stabilizes the mind and soul. This asana brings out the bad air out of the lungs and enhances the blood circulation across the body thus bringing down the stress and other psychological disorders. Below are the steps to perform this yoga asana. Please make sure that you are doing this asana in calmer surroundings.

  1. Sit comfortably on your floor mattress and close your eyes for a while and meditate for at least 1-2 minutes.
  2. Now close your right nostril with your right hand’s thumb and inhale deeply.
  3. Close your left nostril with your right hand’s index finger and exhale out the whole air out of your lungs.
  4. Please make sure that while doing this asana keep your shoulder to elbow part of the hand are parallel to the ground and you are sitting erect.


2. Bhramari Pranayama

The name of this pranayama was derived from the name of an Indian bee as this asana requires you to hum like a bee. This pranayama is a great suppresser of migraine as it also helps in bringing down the stress, anger, anxieties, and other psychological disorders. Below are steps to perform this asana at your home or workplace.

  1. Sit down comfortably on your floor mattress in an erect posture and close your eyes and keep a smiling face.
  2. Now, place your thumbs exactly on the cartilages of your ears in such a way that your remaining fingers are placed on your closed eyes.
  3. Gently press your cartilages and breathe in and out the air by humming loudly or gently accordingly.
  4. Don’t hum very loud as it may do no good to your body rather it might increase your migraine issues.


3. Bhastriska Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama is widely known for its cures for neurological disorders such as Migraine, Headaches, and epilepsies. Practicing this asana also keeps unnecessary emotions such as anger and anxieties at bay. Though, individuals suffering from cold and nasal blockages could do this Pranayama gently. Also, make sure you are doing it in calmer surroundings. Below are the steps to perform it,

  1. Sit down comfortably on your floor mattress in an erect posture and close your eyes and keep a smiling face.
  2. Now, take few deep breaths from your abdomen and then start exhaling forcefully from your nose (One cycle per second).
  3. Make sure that the entire forceful breathing process is entirely from your diaphragm.
  4. People suffering from nasal blockages can do it a little gently as forcing this might adversely affect their respiratory system.


4. Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati pranayama is similar to that of Bhastrika Pranayama, or you can call it its sister. Like all the above-mentioned pranayamas this asana brings down the blood pressure to the normal level and also regulates the blood sugar rate in the body other than curing migraines and headaches. People suffering from nasal blockages are requested to do this pranayama gently as doing vigorously might lead to inflammation in the respiratory system. Below are the steps to do it:

  1. Sit comfortably on your floor mattress with your legs crossed and close your eyes and concentrate on the calmness around you.
  2. Before starting this pranayama take some deep breaths initially and keep your head straight ahead.
  3. Now, inhale deeply as much as you can and exhale forcefully outside using your abdomen and diaphragm.
  4. Please make sure this pranayama is done under calmer surroundings.


5. Bahya Pranayama

It is one of the greatest pranayamas as on today, as it not just helps in curing migraines but also helps in getting rid of gastric problems, prostrate issues and many more. This pranayama consists of three locks namely: Jalandhar Bandh (Throat lock), Uddiyana Bandh (Abdominal lock) and Mool bandh (root lock). Their application and procedure have been described below:

  1. Sit comfortably on your floor mattress and close your eyes and meditate for a while (say, at least 3-4 minutes).
  2. Now before starting this pranayama start taking deep breaths and finally take a final breath out evacuating your lungs.
  3. Without breathing in, place your chin on the chest (Jalandhar Bandh) and pull in your Stomach/Abdomen in such a way the stomach and back seem to be close enough (Uddiyana Bandh).
  4. Now, without any further movements, lift your muscle from the groin (Mool Bandh). Remain in this pose for 10-15 seconds (according to your comfort) and breathe deeply to open all the three locks.

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Asanas for Migraine

  1. Shava-asana

Shavasana also is known as the Corpse pose is widely known for its neurological disorders suppressing capabilities. This is because it helps in reducing the blood pressure which is supposedly one of the greatest known side effects of migraines. Please make sure that while doing this asana the individual performs it in less illuminated surroundings as the lights may cause distraction.

  1. Lie down comfortably on your floor mattress and make sure the surroundings are less illuminated.
  2. Keep your legs, knees, and toes in a comfortable position and keep your hands on either side of the body relaxed.
  3. Now close your eyes, and concentrate on the way you breathe and concentrate at the calmness around you.
  4. Now, stay in this for 20-30 minutes and return to consciousness by making body movements.

Also Read: 7 Yoga Poses to Lose Belly fat effectively 

2. Setu-Bandh asana

Setu Bandha asana (The Bridge pose) is known as one of the greatest remedies for Acidity and migraine issues. It helps in calming the brain and reduces psychological disorders such as anxieties, excitements, etc. Below are the steps to illustrate how this asana can be performed at home or workplace.

  1. Lie on the floor mattress on with arms on your sides and palms facing the floor. Bend your knees in such a way that the feet are lying completely on the floor.
  2. Make sure that the distance between hips and feet is equal to that of the distance between your palms and feet.
  3. Now, lift your body in the upward direction from the waist keeping your hands in the same position.
  4. Stay in this position for at least 20-25 seconds before returning to your initial position.


3. Padmasana

Padma asana helps in increasing attentiveness and enhances calmness of the brain, thus suppressing migraine and psychological disorders. This asana also helps in setting up the right posture and stimulates the gall bladder in the body. It also enhances body blood circulation thus helping in building up the immune system.

  1. Sit on your floor mattress in such a way that your legs are stretched out and your back is erect.
  2. Now, bend your right knee towards yourself in such a way that you can place your right foot (facing upwards) on your left thigh.
  3. Similarly, do the same with your left leg and place the foot/heel it on your right thigh.
  4. Now place your hands on your knees in meditation pose and close your eyes and meditate for 10-20 minutes (according to your comfort).


4. Shishu Asana

Shishu asana also is known as the Child pose helps in relaxing the nervous system and reduces the stress and tension caused at the brain. This asana also helps in bringing down the constipation problems and relaxes the spine in the body other than curing migraine. As the body folds near the abdominal area it is beneficial for abdominal issues too. Below are the steps to perform this yoga.

  1. Sit down on your floor mattress in such a way that your hips are exactly on your heels.
  2. Now, bend forward such that and place your forehead on the floor just in front of your knees.
  3. Now place your arms alongside your body facing upwards.
  4. Make sure that you are comfortable in this pose or else avoid doing it or place both of your palms on your forehead and then place it on the floor.


5. Pada Hasta asana

This asana helps in enhancing the blood circulation across the body and increases immunity. This asana also helps in calming the mind eventually reducing migraine to a great extent. Below are the steps to perform this asana at home or workplace.

  1. Stand in the mountain pose (Tadasana) on your floor mattress with your spine straight.
  2. Now, exhale in and lift your hands upwards towards the ceiling.
  3. Bend forward and try to touch your feet without folding your legs with head in the downward direction.
  4. Keep in this position for 20-25 seconds and return to your initial position.


Though doing it naturally is much preferred but if the problem of migraine or headache persists then it is advised to visit your family physician as soon as possible and share the issue. Sometimes, these issues when neglected might lead to much greater problems which are not even curable by stronger medicines. So visit your doctor and ask for his advice before doing any of the above-mentioned asanas. Till then keep healthy and stay fit!