8 Ways to Treat Sunstroke Naturally at Home

treat sunstroke naturally
With the mercury soaring higher day by day, sunstroke is one of the common yet dangerous things to get affected by. The human body during its evolution has adapted itself to heat in the surroundings, but in some situations, excessive and prolonged exposure to heat (temperatures above 40 degree Celsius or 104 Fahrenheit) can tumble down our body’s heat controlling mechanism

and lead to an abnormal rise in body temperature. Some of the most common symptoms of Sunstroke are dizziness, headaches, rapid breathing, elevated heartbeats, and Nausea. So in this article, we are going to find out how to treat sunstroke naturally and easily.

8 ways to Treat Sunstroke naturally at home

  1. Water
treat Sunstroke naturallyWater is life-giving liquid to all the living of our planet. On the other hand, it is one of the best coolants to reduce any kind of inflammations on or inside our body. When the surrounding temperature is high we need water which works as a coolant and prevents any kind of abnormal rise in body temperature. Also, in order to treat sunstroke naturally, it comes out in the form of sweat and works as a natural air conditioner. It prevents dehydration and must be given if the individual is showing any of the above-mentioned symptoms.
  1. Lemon Juice
treat sunstroke naturallyLemon juice is also a great coolant and a great way to treat sunstroke naturally at home. This is due to the fact that lemon juice contains Vitamin C and Minerals which help in recovering back the body nutrients and hydrates the body well. It is advised to drink a full glass of Lemon Juice while going out in the Sun as it also hydrates the body and revives the body minerals. One can also add a few spoons of sugar as they help in providing glucose to the body. You can also drink lemon juice soon after returning back after half an hour’s gap.
  1. Rose Milk
treat sunstroke naturally rose milkThis rose milk is one of the best remedies to treat sunstroke naturally at home. Rose petals or rose water are known for their cooling effect on the skin but they are equally effective within our bodies as well. On the other hand, milk contains abundant amounts of vitamins and minerals which can help in recovering the damages done by excessive heat. All you have to do is add 2-3 crushed almond powder and 3-4 o tablespoons of rose water or petals to a glass of cold milk. Drink it daily before leaving out for work or after returning back from work after 30 minutes.
  1. Buttermilk
buttermilk lassiButtermilk also is known as Chhaach or Lassi in Hindi is a great body coolant during the sunstrokes. This is due to the fact that it contains Curd or Yogurt which is one of the most effective natural supplements to control body temperature. It also contains lemon juice and sugar which helps in damage control and brings back the lost vitamin and minerals in the body. Drink it daily while leaving for work or after returning back from work. It also cools down the entire digestive tracts and removes any kind of inflammation.
  1. Onion
Treat Sunstroke naturallyOnions help in absorbing the excessive heat present in our body and brings it down to normal temperature. It was extensively used as a medicine to prevent and treat sunstroke naturally in the Indian and Egyptian Civilizations. People used to put a lump of onion inside their turbans or hats so that the optimum temperature of the body is stable even in the scorching heat outside. Put a small lump of onion in your pocket while going, else make an onion paste and place it right on the forehead of the individual suffering from sunstroke. Hence, onions are a great way to treat sunstroke naturally.
  1. Tamarind Juice
Treat Sunstroke naturallyTamarind also is known as Imli in Hindi is known to control body temperature during extreme summers. This is due to the fact that it contains body essentials such as Vitamins, Antioxidants and Minerals which the body has lost due to excessive heat. Minerals such as Phosphorus and Magnesium promote better circulation of blood in the body thus making it one of the oldest and best ways to treat sunstroke naturally. All you need to do is add tamarind to a cup of boiling water and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Now strain out the tamarind and add few spoons of sugar to it and drink daily.
  1. Diet
Treat Sunstroke naturallyDiet is also equally important in combating sunstroke. It is always advisable to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that contain water and are rich in minerals such as Phosphorus, Magnesium and Zinc. The water present in these fruits and vegetables hydrate the body and the minerals revive the lost electrolytes and glucose within the body. Try to have coconut water in the diet as it is also rich in minerals and is a great natural coolant. Proper diet intake can treat sunstroke naturally.
  1. Gooseberries
Treat Sunstroke naturallyGooseberries also are known as Amla in the Indian subcontinent is one of the ancient medicines known to humans. It can also be used to treat sunstroke naturally as it contains Vitamin B and Vitamin C in abundance and other essentials such as Minerals and antioxidants which help in healing and recovering from damages done due to excessive heat. Eat gooseberries at least twice a day as it controls the body temperature and also provides essential body minerals on the other hand.
Hope that the above 8 ways to treat sunstroke naturally would be helpful for you. It is advised not to drink any cold water or beverage soon after returning back from the sunny and hot weather outside. This is due to the fact, the body may not be able to adapt to such a temperature drop and people get sunstroke that very instant. In some cases, people get unconscious and lose their lives. Hence consume any such refrigerated cold water/beverage only after 15-20 minutes after returning back.