6 Easy-To-Do Yoga Poses For Kids

yoga poses for kids

Fitness is one thing that keeps you going in life. A proper fitness not only makes you active but also improves immunity and overall wellness. Staying fit is equally important for kids as it is for adults. Although several exercise routines are being practiced, yoga, due to its healing nature, still holds significant importance.

Dear mommies, we know how kids these days have many distractions that keep them busy, apart from academic activities. For instance, tablets, video games or the 3D toys keep them engaged and away from physical activity. Hence, they are more inclined towards indoor games that weakens their overall stamina. Moreover, the tempting junk food, be it fries, loads of pizza or the candies, reduce their immune systems even more. Therefore, they need to have an activity that could not only keep them physically active but is fun to do as well.

There can be no better package than yoga to solve the stated issue. Yoga improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation and induce physical strength that helps kids perform better. However, the benefits of yoga for kids go beyond physical strength. Let’s understand them first before anything else.


How Beneficial Is Yoga For Kids?

Yoga is one of the best relaxing activities for the kids. A simple practice of just having control over their breathing pattern can help improve their concentration and calmness. Scientific studies have proved that six months of yoga practices, including asanas, meditation and other breathing exercises, aid in reducing body weight and improving memory and endocrine functionality. Above all, yoga is the best therapy to get a sound sleep. Yoga for kids is very effective in reducing anxiety and fatigue hence helps in better academic performance.

However, reaping these benefits depends on the type of yoga pose the kids perform. Perhaps, mountain pose regulates the blood circulation, the butterfly pose relaxes the mind, and the corpse pose improves concentration. Similarly, there is different pose for improving memory, promoting better sleep and maintaining proper body weight. Let’s find each of them in our list of 6 essential yoga poses for kids.


Essential Yoga Poses For Kids 

Yoga for kids should be fun and entertaining so that they don’t get bored. Yoga for kids does not require heavy equipment and a huge place. Sometimes, all you need is a yoga mat, and you are good to go, whether you are in a school, garden or home. Here are some easy yoga poses for kids that can be easily practiced at home.


  • Mountain pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Yoga - Steps And Benefits - Ayur Health TipsIt is the most basic and easy step that can adapt to yoga for kids. You don’t even need a yoga mat for a mountain pose. Just ask the kid to stand tall and lift their feet hip-width apart while keeping their shoulders relaxed and the chest lifted. It is also required to raise the toes a little bit and press the hand palm near the chest.

This yoga pose for kids is ideal in regulating blood circulation and maintaining the balance of the body. It also makes calves and knees durable.


  • Rag Doll (Baddha Hasta Uttanasana)

Pose for the Weekend: Rag Doll | The InertiaRag Doll is tricky but essential to improve the posture. Your kid might need your assistance before becoming used to this pose. Ask your kid to stand in the mountain pose. Rag Doll requires bending in the forward direction from the hips and loosening the neck to hang the head, arms and neck down. Slowly, lift the body and stand straight.

Also Read: 6 Essential Yoga Poses for Depression


  • Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)

Yoga Poses For KidsButtery yoga poses for kids will make the kids flap like a flying butterfly- literally. Your kid needs to sit upright with legs spreading out. Then, tell them to fold the legs in such a way that feet are in contact with each other. Exhale and slightly move knees and thighs in a downward direction. Now comes the fun part. Ask your kid to flap their legs up and down just like the wings of a butterfly. Make sure the kid is breathing at a reasonable pace. Releasing the posture should be gentle with consistent exhaling.

Butterfly pose is essential to relax the mind, regulate the bowel movement and induce painless menstruation for the girls.


  • Corpse pose (Shavasana)

How To Do Corpse Pose | DOYOUWithout any doubt, this is the most effortless yoga pose for kids, no less beneficial than any other pose. For this pose, ask your child to lie down on the floor or yoga mat with straight legs and arms at the sides (at a six-inch distance). Eyes should be closed, and palms should be facing upwards. Breathing should be normal while your kid is resting the body weight on the ground. Now, slowly exhale and relax the body parts.

Patience is the key to perform the corpse yoga pose for kids effectively. Corpse pose helps to fight insomnia and anxiety while improving memory.

Also Read: 10 Yoga Poses to Increase Concentration and Brain Power


  • Boat pose (Navasana)

Full Boat Pose - Yoga With Dr. WeilThis pose is a bit technical so that kids might need continuous adult assistance. Begin by lying down flat on the floor with arms stretched in the direction of toes. Now the kids need to form a ‘V’ shape, which is the most challenging part. While exhaling, lift the feet and chest off the ground. This will cause tension in the core. The weight of the body should be on the hips. The toes, hands and eyes should be aligned straight. While holding the breath, retain this posture for ten seconds. Bring the body down to the neutral position with slow exhaling and relax.

Though it requires practice, once the kids will get acquainted, they will be able to reap its amazing benefits. Boat pose for kids makes arm muscles, shoulders and thighs strong. It also improves digestive issues and reduces constipation.


  • Chair pose (Utkatasana)

Yoga Poses For KidsChair pose is the most constructive yoga pose for kids. It’s a complete exercise for arms, legs, hips and heart. Your kid should sit on the floor with arms raised above the head. Knees should be bent forward, and thighs should be parallel to the floor. Now ask your child to lift the arms and stretch them straight slightly. The tailbone should be down by now. Make sure that your child should have a steady breath, throughout. Chair pose for kids should not be retained for more than a minute as it can twist the fragile arms of kids and might hurt them.

We would recommend the parents to pay special attention to their kids when they are just starting the yoga. Some of these yoga poses for kids can harm them if performed the wrong way. Therefore, make sure to take out time to help your kid learn a healthy activity.

It is ideal to start with one or two easy yoga poses initially for kids. After some time, you can explore more as their body gets used to regular practice.